You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > Opening the Item Master File

Opening the Item Master File

  1. Select FILE | INVENTORY.

Micronet displays the Item Selection screen.

  1. Select an existing item.

If you have more than one screen of items, you can use a partial key search. For more information, refer to "Using Partial Key Searches".

  1. Optionally, select to sort the list of items using the options under the SORT menu.

You can sort items by item number, description, category, supplier, debtor parts, alternate suppliers by part number, class, barcode, inner barcode, unit barcode or short barcode.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

This screen has been expanded in v2.8 to show more item details including whether an item is replenished, the re-order quantity and supplier part numbers. Any warehouse details displayed on this screen, e.g. W/House On Hand or W/House Free Stock, show information for your default warehouse.

  1. Alternatively, escape the Item Selection screen and enter the ID of an existing item.

Alternatively, you can scan the item's barcode, or enter the item's shortcode (2.8 feature).

Micronet displays the Item Update screen in Update Mode, with the details of the item you selected.